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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Football Friendly, 27 Jan 2007

Friendly against the Newcastle fan club (NUFC).

Personally, I was annoyed at how often changes were made...first it was either the 27 or 28 of jan, 5 pm, venue UM. Less then a week before the game it was finally confirmed to be 27 Jan, 5 pm, at UM, just not sure which pitch A,B or C. Then on Thursday nite, Sham of NUFC called me and said that the ref just informed him that the venue has been changed to PULAPOL and the fee per team is now RM160! Aiyo...

Then on Friday, he called again to say that we had 2 options, either the venue remains PULAPOL but the time is 4pm or the time remains 5pm but play at Setiawangsa. I chose PULAPOL at 4pm.

Tot dat was ok oredi, and i was damn fed up of calling/smsing everyone but there still time for another change when Sham called me on Sat afternoon itself and said the ref just informed him dat PULAPOL's fields were being used. Wat the...WAT IS THE POINT OF BOOKING THEN IF THEY CAN JUST CANCEL BOOKINGS LIKE DAT????

Sham said the new venue is Setiawangsa after all, 5.30 pm. We agreed to meet at PULAPOL anyway, so dat i didn't have to call/sms everyone again. I broke the news to everyone as they arrived and am very glad dat everyone was ok with the change. A bit angry laa, but still looking forward to play. Thanks a lot guys.

Anyway, on to the match. When it started, there were only 2 officials, so they took charge like it was a hockey or futsal game, with 1 ref taking care of each half. hehehe..the 3rd guy came later. I was supposed to play first, but just before the kick-off, i realised my damn expensive boots "koyak"! wat the.... so i left and someone else replaced me. I finally did come in midway thru the 2nd period (got 3 periods), borrowing someone else's smaller boots.

Neways we won 2-1, with the goals coming from our twin terrors of Azman and Wayu. And it was obvious dat we have a decent side. Also glad we have depth in the goalkeeping department, so i don't have to bring my gloves anymore...hehehe..

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